Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

THANKSGIVING PIES!! fresh from New Orleans - shipped anywhere in US, support a veteran! BUY ONE NOW!

It's Veteran's Day... I know a veteran on twitter @sweetpotatopies, he has a sweet potato pie shop in New Orleans that sells New Orleans pralines and Southern Pecan Pie. they will ship anywhere in the U.S.

Support a Veteran on veteran's Day - buy a pie from this guy!

The Southern Sweet Potato Pie Company services the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, the Louisiana Superdome, the New Orleans Arena, supermarkets, restaurants, convenience stores, food distributors, caterers, special events and fundraising organizations.

Pricing and shipping -- our pies are shipped frozen with dry ice to insure they arrive frozen. The shipper is designed to accommodate two (2) 30 oz pies. You can get one of three combinations: two (2) sweet potato pies, two (2) pecan pies or one (1) of each, sweet potato and pecan.Our cakes are shipped as one (1) 48 oz whole cake with gel packs to keep cool.

Two 9" (30 oz) pies shipped anywhere in the U.S. --- $50.00

One Southerned-Up Pound Cake (48 oz) shipped anywhere in the U.S. --- $36.00

One Almond Poppyseed Cake (48 oz) shipped anywhere in the U.S. --- $42.00

One Bourbon Pecan Cake (48 oz) shipped anywhere in the U.S. --- $50.00

One dozen Creamy Pecan Pralines (3 oz each) shipped anywhere in the U.S. --- $36.00

One dozen (3 oz each) sweet potato or pecan pies

shipped anywhere in the U.S. --- $36.00

  • We at the Southern Sweet Potato Pie Company pride ourselves on serving the most delicious desserts one can eat!!

Pay Per Influence: Monetizing Twitter

Check out this SlideShare Presentation by Brian Carter from #pubcon(@briancarter):

Monday, November 09, 2009

SEO is Voodoo? C'mon man, really..

SEO is Voodoo? SEO is a boondoggle? SEO isn't Rocket Science? SEO is Dead?


SEO is the methodical, logical approach to using the language and criteria of the search engine itself to modify ranking of items within the query range, by modifying said items.

- that's my definition in it's purest form.

It can apply to Itunes (SEO 4 podcasts), AOL 1.0 bulletin board postings (1994-ish), PDFs in Google, .jpgs in Google Images, etc.. Yes even Bing!, Yahoo! Directory and of course, DMOZ. Graphic Designers, (image names!!!!), Blip.fm music searches, YouTube video searches, google video searches, even #SXSW Panel pitches - ( http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/ideas/index/4/q:Google+SEO .. DOH!), Online reputation management, Press Releases, (writing, pitching, distribution), print advertising (think ALT tags on print ad with few words), and so many, many other things... including Social Media. (Social Media Networking, Social Media Bookmarking and Social Media Management)

Simple Concept: (random wiki entry) The history of the alphabet begins in Ancient Egypt, more than a millennium into the history of writing. The first pure alphabet emerged around 2000 BCE to represent the language of Semitic workers in Egypt.

Ok. someone wanted someone else to be able to get information, and have it be clearly understood.
they created an alphabet.

these alphabet pieces (let's call them letters...or characters), they gather together to form concepts called words.

These words are used to "label" things or maybe we can just call them "tags", or labels if you'd like..

The problem is different people "label" or "tag" or "name" things differently depending on where they are. Maybe everyone could agree to use the same word, for the same thing, if that ever happens, we can call them "microformats".

So a feline animal called a "cat" could correctly indenitifed as "cat" kitty" "pussycat" "el gato" "le chat"

So "Cat" could be correctly identified by MANY terms, all correct based upon where the person was standing or speaking from.

So somehow, someone, somewhere came up with this thing called a database, a way to match this thing up with that thing because no one person is going to remember all this and be available to everyone when they need to reference, update or delete information. (i.e. extinct life species)

wiki defines as: Databases are software-based "containers" that is structure to collect and store information so it can be retrieved, added to, updated or removed in an automatic fashion.

YOUR brain was trained in database archetecture. Remember these?

Simple Relational Database:
Cat is to ____ (Dog)
As Mouse is to ___ (Cat)

or maybe you just remember....

When you type in "Voodoo" in Google.
First is a company that makes Personal Computers for Game Playing.
Second is the listing for a religion, a band, some aircraft songs, etc..

SEO tip #2:
The first result is SEO. the second result is information

the third result is another "relevant result" - Historical and practical information on Vodoun, its panteon, and its rituals, from religioustolerance.org

What is VooDoo?

Today over 60 million people practice Vodun worldwide. Religions similar to Vodun can be found in South America where they are called Umbanda, Quimbanda or Candomble.

Today, there are two virtually unrelated forms of the religion:

An actual religion, Vodun practiced in Benin, Dominican Republic, Ghana, Haiti, Togo and various centers in the US - largely where Haitian refuges have settled.
An evil, imaginary religion, which we will call Voodoo. It has been created for Hollywood movies, complete with violence, bizarre rituals, etc. It does not exist in reality.

SEO is an evil, imaginary religion, which we will call "Organic Search Engine Optimization". It has been created by programmers for Fortune 500 companies and the Forbes 400 to change what is listed in Google, Yahoo!, Bing and other search engines. It has been created for Hollywood movies, complete with violence, bizarre rituals, etc. It does not exist in reality.

Soo.. today not only has someone perpetuated a myth created for hollywood movies about someone's religion, they have compared it to my career, which works for my clients everyday to provide targeted website traffic on qualified search terms that convert and generate ROI.

shame on you MediaPost and the "Voodoo Insider"

If you liked this article please inform the "Witch Doctor" @steveplunkett

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Free Web Game - Evony.com

Evony went from beta to live in May 2009.

I've been playing since before blogworld. I remember getting online in Las Vegas at some point during blogworld to buy some coin to raise my rank so i could build more cities when I got back to Dallas.

The above picture is inside your city walls. The picture below is outside, other cities, swamps, mountain ranges and other cities to scout.

The concept is simple, build farms for food, quarrys for stone to build your walls, lumber mills for wood that your archers will need and iron mines for the metal to arm your troops. Yes this IS a war game. I returned from Las Vegas to find that i had been scouted and plundered, over, and over, and over, and over, and over.... they started by scouting me then stealing food. without food, your armies go awol. over and over over again, because before you go to sleep or go to work, or whenever you have time you are building your army, or armies if you have 4 cities like i do. Which looks really cool but is a very stupid idea. You really want to build one city all the way up, plunder the barbarian cities around you to build up prestige.

With prestige you can then join an alliance which satisfies your quest requirements, (oh.. the whole thing is a quest, so you always have a new goal to reach for rewards.)

Speaking of the quest... Dear Evony... i understand that players purchasing things fund game development, etc.. and if the only way to get medals and advance is to buy medals... that's totally ok.. otherwise, please increase the frequency of drops so others unlike myself, (a general marquis or is it Earl.. anyways.. lol - i do have 4 cities... ), who didnt buy their titles, (the old fashioned way?), can move up and stop complaining about never getting the lower end medals, etc.. OR.. is it just supposed to be really hard and they should level up and stop complaining?
I just bought the medals.. and went on.

Anyways... it's a really fun game.. it does take time.. if you ignore it for more than 12 hours you can come back and find your self slipping backwards, not enough food to feed the troops, someone used workers as trap prods.. then used warriors as meat shields for the archers towers.. Loss of prestige and armies. This is not a game for people who want quick results... some of the skills required to unlock certain soldier types, take 67 hours to learn, (started these before i left for blogworld and they were done when i came back).

Check out Evony.com - and if you play, get on server 69. Settle in the land of Bohemia.. and if you are going to keep playing after the trial period, (p.s. if you are going to keep playing, buy game coins right at the end of your beginner's trial period, it's a killer deal and i wish i would have bought some game coin then.), then join the Ateam.

Happy Questing.