Friday, July 15, 2011

Microsoft Case Study: Bing - CouponFactory

Digital Coupon Issuer Boosts Efficiency of Website Optimization Tasks by 96 Percent

CouponFactory, which provides a way for retailers to create digital coupons and track campaign results, needed to optimize its own website content for discovery through The company recently adopted Bing Webmaster Tools, an online offering from Microsoft that delivers a set of content management and analytic tools through an easy-to-use console. By registering its site with Bing Webmaster Tools, CouponFactory has increased the efficiency of essential search engine optimization tasks by 96 percent and estimates saving $U.S.4,800 annually. The company has taken advantage of the business intelligence capabilities offered through the solution to increase the agility and effectiveness of its marketing and sales efforts, helping to expand its edge over competitors.
Microsoft Case Study: Bing - CouponFactory

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