Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Bumpy start for Google analytics giveaway

CNET "Google's move to offer free Web analytics software left some customers in the lurch.
The search giant launched a free Web analytics service Monday that lets companies see exactly how visitors interact with their Web site and how advertising campaigns are faring. The hosted service relies on technology from San Diego-based Urchin, which Google acquired in March. The Urchin product had formerly been priced at $200 a month.
What should have been a money-saving seamless transition for existing users of the Urchin technology instead turned into a temporary service outage for some. Urchin user Ethan Stock, co-founder of Zvents, which lets people search for events in their area, complained on his blog that after the free service was launched he had trouble logging on to it and wasn't receiving any of the real-time analytics data. "

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